
By default, no transformations are applied to the content blocks - they’re just displayed as they were entered in the admin. Since you probably want to display HTML, you’ll probably want to set up a filter to apply before displaying content blocks, such as Markdown.

Specifying Filters

You can configure what filter is applied using the setting TINYCONTENT_FILTER, which should be set to a dotted path to a function to call to filter the content (for example, to convert Markdown to HTML).


If the given path is invalid, any use of tinycontent tags will raise ImproperlyConfigured. If this setting is not provided, the content will be returned exactly as stored.

For example, if your project has a file called, you might have a function in it called tinycontent_transform that would look something like this:

def tinycontent_transform(content):
    return do_something_to(content)

To get the tinycontent templates to use that function, in your file, you’d write something like:

TINYCONTENT_FILTER = 'myproj.utils.tinycontent_transform'

Chaining Filters

You can optionally set TINYCONTENT_FILTER to a list of dotted paths - filters will be applied in the order in which you provide them.

For example, to use Markdown with tinycontent’s built-in file support, you could set TINYCONTENT_FILTER like this:


Built-in Filters


django-tinycontent ships with a filter for Markdown. You can enable this by setting TINYCONTENT_FILTER like this:


File-upload Handler

The file-upload filter replaces instances of @file:slug (where slug is the slug of a TinyContentFileUpload) with the URL to the file.

You can enable this filter by setting TINYCONTENT_FILTER like this:

TINYCONTENT_FILTER = 'tinycontent.filters.builtin.uploaded_file_filter'